Category 2017 Short Stories

Marriage Rules for the Zombie Apocalypse by Rachel Dye

Prompt: Coming Undone | Word count: 1200 (exactly) | Genre: General Fiction “Did you live in a neighborhood like this before?”  Esther stared at the suburb laid out before her. Looking past the over-grown lawns, broken windows and a few burned out shells, she allowed…...

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Mysteries in Time: The Surfer Dude Detective Agency by Jeff Mauser

Prompt:  Coming undone | Word Count:  1200 | Genre: Murder Mystery “Jumpin’ Jo’sephat would ya look at that,” shouts McKenna pointing North up the long run of beach set aglow by the setting early morning silvery full moon. “Watch the hooch McKenna.”…...

This content is for 12 Short Stories in 12 Months members only.
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Read MoreMysteries in Time: The Surfer Dude Detective Agency by Jeff Mauser