Prompt: Coming Undone |  Word Count:1200  Genre: Adult
Warning: some language
“Its so simple.” She thought.
“I will ride to the outer limits, and find help there.” Her fast Steed beneath her, feeling the tension.
“I will find the Emperor and ask him to help, he can do something, he could go to Walmart and pick up a really big net, or possibly a gun, and shoot that stupid giant monster.”
Maybe, I will just keep writing bullshit down, just keep rambling so I can fill a word count. Why the hell not? That’s an idea isn’t it?
A story is simply, a beginning, a middle, and a end. Three parts. So the beginning.
I am a writer, and I currently have no idea what to write. I have been blocked for 11 weeks, 63 days without writing a word. Not one noun.

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