Prompt: Coming undone | Word count: 1,200 | Genre: Fiction
Home after a long work day, Elise was sitting down at her desk to complete a complicated spreadsheet for a presentation the following week. She liked to get things done, and felt that, with only a week to go, she was already pushing the deadline beyond limits she was comfortable with.
Just out of reach of her vision, she saw – or rather sensed – a purple streak, like a hummingbird, dressed in a purple hoodie darting across her field of vision. How peculiar!
At the office the next day, she worked through the items on her to do list in her usual efficient manner.  She listened to a podcast  during her morning brisk walk ‘break’ and to a literary classic during her afternoon laps. Her lunch of antioxidant salad was followed by the writing of a weekly email to her mother.

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