Category SS Prompt 5: Stale
SS Prompt 5: Stale
Word Count: 1200 words exactly
Deadline: 20 May 2020
Please do not post before the deadline.
Saferoom by Annalie Kleinloog
The Library of Memories by Alyssa Shapland
My mother was a delicate woman, skin stretched taut across her face like the pinned wings of a museum insect. Any slight movement of that mouth made me fear that the old parchment that made up her cheeks would split…...
The Thrilla with Vanilla by Melissa Patterson
The Hangover by Thomas Mullane
The Hangover She crept quietly, seripticiously into the bar, made her way to a table she would usually avoid, in a corner away from the window as she found the morning light was hurting her eyes. Marie checked her purse…...
The orange glow of the streetlight made a path in the direction the man was walking. It led the way. The streetlights were saying come follow the light; it will lead you to where you are going. But the man…...
Toast and Jam by Marta Liddiard
Stale – The Exhibition by Jens Grabarske
The moment I entered the exhibition hall I knew that this was a huge mistake. There was a poster next to the cash register featuring a baguette that was stuck on a wall using duct tape. Kelly caught me before…...