Prompt: Coming undone | Word Count: 1200 | Genre: Murder Mystery
“Jumpin’ Jo’sephat would ya look at that,” shouts McKenna pointing North up the long run of beach set aglow by the setting early morning silvery full moon.
“Watch the hooch McKenna.” Slurring his words Cavanagh grabs the bottle as it slips from McKenna’s grip. The group of police officers and friend have been drinking all night. Seeing what McKenna is seeing, he lets the bottle drop.
Taggart has been sharing his hooch with them all night and now has quite the edge making it difficult to focus on the beautiful and rare pearl handled colt 45 gun McKenna liberated from the Commanders office. He has never held a gun before let alone one that saw action in the Great War. He is tottering at the top of the stairs leading down to the beach while the others were on the sand closer to the water. A loud crackling sound makes him look up and lose his footing.