In the Garden by Kimberley Cooper

Prompt: A New Life Word count: 1000 Genre: Sci fi
Preet was quite the celebrity on Mars. Everything that dropped out of the sky seemed to fall into his garden, almost like they were aiming for it.
The first year, a piece of hard, shiny stuff the size of a finger turned up in his garden. He didn’t see it fall, but it must have come from the sky, as it wasn’t red like everything else on Mars. The council even had to invent a name for it. “Not-red.” Preet didn’t think that showed much imagination. But at least everyone had something different to look at. Something that wasn’t dust in one of the thousand shades of red which had been named. Like vermilion and magenta and ruby and crimson. And people came from far and wide to look at the not-red. So many came, trampling over his garden, that Preet got quite grumpy, whipping dust into a stinging, choking boulder-filled cloud which lashed the Martian landscape for weeks.

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