Conversations with My Spouse by Elaine Dodge

Prompt: Conversation with my spouse | Word Count: 1200 | Genre: Drama
I’ve been called a Grammar Nazi in the past. I must say, it’s a title I wore well, with pride in fact. Not being able to spell to, too or two correctly in any given circumstance has been a deal breaker for me in past relationships. “It’s not to, it’s too and while I’m on the subject, it’s not me, it’s you. Have a nice life.” A quick, easy way to end what would have become a distressing relationship, fraught with small minor tensions that would have driven us, alright – me, insane.
I have a simple philosophy – if you’re careless with words, what else would you be careless with? Me? Best you leave now – and buy a ‘Grammar for Idiots’, for heaven’s sake. And, while you’re at it, a dictionary.

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