The List by Elaine Dodge

Prompt: The List | Word Count: 1500 words | Genre: Drama
So, there it is. The list. Short, only one item, but it’s comprehensive. For better or worse, it will, if I follow it to the letter, change my life. Of course, there will be other lists, necessary to help me achieve this one.
Is it really a list if it only has one item on it? Yes. Because if you don’t write it down you won’t do it. Good advice my aunt gave me when I was a child, and I’ve stuck by it ever since.
For me, lists keep the world sane, spinning on its axis in an orderly, predictable way. They help one make sense of an often too loud, too noisy, too angry, too hurtful, too in-one’s-face world. They remind one, so one doesn’t forget. They encourage one, so one doesn’t give up. Most importantly, they ensure one doesn’t make mistakes.

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