Conversation with my spouse by Kim Wharton

Prompt: Conversation with my spouse | Word count:1189 | Genre: Family
It was on one of those hot Saturday evening, that Jon and I were at the back of our little wooden house. We were shading the blazing sun that was running down on us like sin. Back in those days not everyone could off afford electricity, so you know we didn’t have a fan like the neighbours across the road from us.
So my dear we always find ourselves in the back of the house when it’s hot out because behind there is always so cool. Besides it’s just the two of us staying there for the moment, Jon and I are expecting our bundle of joy in the next couple of months, after two years of being in this relationship and building a life together. But there is a problem, i haven’t seen Jon parents as yet and he doesn’t want to talk about them. Whenever i ask him to go visit he would decline with some excuse pertaining to work.

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