Conversation With My Husband By Lisa T. Osborne

Prompt: Conversation with my Spouse | Word count: 1200 words | Genre: Fiction
Anna lies in bed, her hand resting gently on the place of her missing womb, waiting for medication to dull the lancing pain beneath her palm. It will do nothing for the aching throb in the core of her, in her soul, for a baby she will never conceive, never carry, never birth. The ambient light rises and falls like her breath, as clouds blow over the sun. She watches the spring leaves on the tree outside her window. They catch the sunlight and sparkle like drops of rain. Snow geese announce themselves with a chorus of honking, flying back from their winter resting place. She smiles slightly as she catches sight of their dark V bisecting the sky.
“Are you awake?” His quiet voice comes from opposite her window, in her doorway, quiet enough not to wake her but loud enough to be heard if she is not sleeping.

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