Category 2023 SS Prompt 2: Blossom

2023 SS Prompt 2: Blossom

Swirls of time and rose petals by Sharon J Clark

He crossed to her work bench and placed a business card on it. She read it aloud. “Professor Johannes Eugenius Warming, Temporal Plant Ecologist?” He grimaced. “The name is rather unfortunate, isn’t it? It has been passed down my family line since the late1800s when its owner became known as being the founder of plant ecology. He was Danish.” He added his ancestor’s nationality as though that explained everything.
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A Bolt from the Blue

Jerrod placed an empty suitcase onto the crisp-made bed. Should he pack all the clothing he owned or just the clothes needed for this business trip? The bedroom, the condo, the surrounding high rises and Vancouver’s distant mountains pressed in…...

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Read MoreA Bolt from the Blue


Peaches is shaken with a tremor that is a revelation, a blossoming. She thinks how…how have I found this … this restoration … this departure? This false prophet … this coldness … this finality … beautiful finality, like a flower blooming … the colours so intense she can almost taste the vividness of the reds, yellows, oranges, spreading through her as life fades from her eyes.
Read MoreBLOSSOM, S Gans