Category 2023 | 52 S Prompt 1 | Week 1: Query
2023 | 52 S Prompt 1 | Week 1: Query
The Inheritance -The Anniversary -Leona Dawson
The Whispering Gallery R2S1 by SM Prasad
The Isle of the Drowned God (Scene 1) by Michael Corvo
The first story in Poisons of Paradox, Book two of the Obsidian Legacy. “You said we’d be faster once we dumped those crates,” Violette howled into the spray of wind and sea foam breaking over the bow of the Knave.…...
Scene 1, A Lunchtime Lesson by Maria Johnson
Before, there was. Before there was.
Locked Girl by Marijo Thompson
In the not yet brightening November darkness, Claudia Pale saw only movement and shape. Flickering bulbs illuminating entries; a small mammal scurrying across the street. Parked cars and tall thinning trees. No matter how much she widened her eyes, willed…...
The Treaty
‘So, I have a question for you Brigid. What was it all for?’ Siobhan is pacing back and forth in front of the stove. The stove their mother taught them all to cook on. In the kitchen where their mother,…...
Cousins – Rachel – Week 1
She had heard very little about Him in the last few years. The couple of friends she had left were careful not to mention Him around her. It was her brother who had forwarded her a link to an article…...
Hic Sunt Dracones 01 by Eva-Maria
„Come on, Carpet, let’s go for a walk!” Wagging his tail so energetically that his hind quarters were in danger of lifting off, the shaggy black dog of indeterminable parentage jumped off the couch and ran out into the corridor…...