Category 2022 SS Prompt 1: Jewel
SS Prompt 1: Jewel
Word count: 1000 words exactly
Deadline: 26 January 2022
Please do not post before the deadline.
A Trick of the Light by Brian McCalmon
For Generations by Sophie M
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood by Sorchia DuBois
English Comp 101 by Patty Panni
“Mom, I brought you something.” Laura looked up from scrubbing a pot. “What is it, love?” Jenny pulled a large booklet out of her backpack. “It’s a course catalogue. Fall registration is in a few weeks. I thought you might…...
The Magpie by Melissa P
The Ring by Tom Mullane
The Ring ©tmullane 25/1/2022 I rushed through the airport, delayed firstly by the bus that seemed to rattle along into next week. Then the security were adamant that everyone must stop, open their luggage, and answer silly questions, “Did…...
He Gives Me Butterflies by Sally Brown Part 4
Ruby by Beth Stillman Blaha
The Brooch By Donal Fitzgerald
Sister Rocks by Susan C. Evans
At their weekly brunch at Bogart’s Coffee Haus and Cafe, Gina put forth this topic of discussion to Maura for consideration. “What makes one element of the Earth a jewel possessing value and another simply something pretty, beautiful, functional, or…...