Category 2022 Poetry Prompt 1: Air
Poetry Prompt 1: Air
Deadline: 2 February 2022
Please do not post before the deadline.
The Wind Around Me by Shae
When I climb high On the mountains peaks The cool, fresh air Refreshes ‘n rejuvenates Every cell of my being. When I swim deep Down in the ocean Every grain of salt Awakens my soul Like no one else can.…...
Just Breathe by Renee Shurilla
“Fish” by Lauren Benere-Forder
One day at the beach, a school of tiny silver fish were thrown up by the ocean, left flapping and gasping, abandoned by their home, and it occurred to me that I have never watched anything die before, at least…...
Breathe In, Breathe Out by Carol Marshall
Posterville by Jane Bradshaw
Thieving Winds by Sue MacDonald
Today the wind blows fiercely tossing and twisting leaves, trees scattering streaks of clouds high Mare’s Tails in the humid air whistling southward from tropical climes carries with it the promise of rain but which on a whim of Nature…...
Head in the Clouds by Viola Redfearn
You cannot weigh me down – I’m not here, I’m no longer Gravity bound Tied down Held down Spiralling down By traffic jams, 9-5s, burnouts, break ups, paper work, queues, bills, nosy neighbours and disappointed parents……...
The Air Between Us by Chris Fruge
Let me inhale the sweet air you breathe out, to carry with me a fragment of you. For those few moments, air I’ll do without, to be gifted with more time close to you. Let me bury my face…...