Category 30 F | Prompt 2 | Day 2
30 F | Prompt 2 | Day 2
Deadline: 2 October 2021
Please do not post before the deadline.
The Best Of It by Sharmayne Riseley
“It’s not rocket science.” Claire’s mother grabs the frying pan. Yasmin had cooked perfect omelettes, before the drunk driver. Claire knew she was a poor substitute, but her mother was making the best of it…. This content is for members…...
Rocket Science by Susanne Bennett
Dear Abby, Having orgasms all the time. No partner. Feeling fizzy. Rocket Dear Rocket, Scientifically impossible. Houston says: abort this mission. Stay down-to-earth. Braggarts just don’t find partners. Abby P.S.: Boss, are you testing me?… This content is for members…...
The Rocket by Chloe Edwards
“And then it blasts into space and…” He makes a thrumming sound. “Take off!” He grins at me, holding up his little toy rocket in triumph. “I thought I was dating an adult,” I mutter…. This content is for members…...
Don’t talk to strangers by nsbnina
He hurried past hustlers hanging out in front of xxx cinemas and dilapidated strip joints. “Got a rocket in your pocket?” He barely glanced at the woman as he plunged the knife into her gut…. This content is for members…...
Gone by Mary Lasher
The curveball is right over the plate. The swing and then the crack of the bat as it connects with the spinning ball. A rocket, high and deep, over the left-field bleachers and it’s gone…. This content is for members…...
It Is What It Is by hanna.jh
He couldn’t wait. The rocket was ready. He would prove it to the world. They’d see and they’d know. He launched. He explored. He gasped. Dismayed, he returned. Head hanging, he cried, “It IS round.”… This content is for members…...
Tiny Rocketman by Alyssa Shapland
A coin clinks into a slot in an empty arcade. The dashboard icons glow in the darkness. Gripping onto the controls, he smiles as it starts to shake. Maybe it’s not as lonely in space. … This content is for…...