Category 2021 SS Prompt 8: The Flowers
SS Prompt 8: The Flowers
Word count: 1800 words exactly
Deadline: 11 August 2021
Please do not post before the deadline.
The Jewel Garden by Yogani Singh
Thunder boomed and rattled the window panes. Lightning cracked. The bones of the house shook and shivered with the fury of the storm raging outside. Amy watched the flames dancing in the fireplace and drew her afghan close to her.…...
Faded Flowers by S. Gans
Poison by Astrid Blume
“Never trust a survivor until you know what they did to survive…” That was the mantra her father had repeated when someone crossed him. He claimed it had toughened him up as new experiences added layers to his already calloused…...
Superfluous by John Snydert
Flowers for Sarah by Sandy Menarek
It was the time before cell phones. Sarah and Jerry only had one old fashioned dial phone that hung on the kitchen wall. It was Wednesday. Jerry was on the road and would call sometime tonight. Sarah waited. She hadn’t…...
The Flowers by Nonie McElroy
‘I have to water the flowers.’ Sabrina’s jaw dropped right in the middle of offering sandwiches to her aunty May, her father’s sister. Never good at hiding her real thoughts, her mother clocked her reaction and snapped, ‘It hasn’t rained…...