Category 2021 SS Prompt 6: Clue

SS Prompt 6: Clue
Word count: 1800 words exactly
Deadline: 16 June 2021

Please do not post before the deadline.

Rain, rain, (don’t) go away by H. Watson

“I felt the same way when I first met my Enid.”, Mr. Carraticus said, his umbrella tapping in rhythm with their steps. “It feels like when you’re in a cosy little library when it’s raining outside and there’s a fire blazing. Like meeting an old friend or rereading an old book. Like-”  “walking outside after it rained.”, Henry finished, laughing when Scott was soaked by a passing cab.
Read MoreRain, rain, (don’t) go away by H. Watson

Not a Clue by Jennifer Armor

It was the insurance policy that woke you up, though. The proverbial shock to the system. You found the life insurance policy secreted in the filing cabinet drawer where you were searching for the repair shop receipt for the Subaru. You could have missed it, but the envelope caught your eye. Robin’s egg blue in a sea of business white. Not filed precisely in the color-coded folder labeled - INSURANCE, LIFE - the way Walter stored essential documents. The folder after INSURANCE, HOMEOWNERS and before INSURANCE, MEDICAL.  Five-million to Walter when you’re dead. Your forged signature on the bottom.
Read MoreNot a Clue by Jennifer Armor