Category 2021 SS Prompt 5: They never said anything
SS Prompt 5: They never said anything
Word count: 1200 words exactly
Deadline: 19 May 2021
Please do not post before the deadline.
Shattered by Gold
They Never Said Anything by Nonie McElroy
They Never Said Anything by Nonie McElroy # Mary stood in the living room that had been stripped of them. The green couch she had moved to help cover that awful rug they had on the floor was pushed back…...
Salmon mousse and other etiquette errors by Sharon J Clark
I NEVER KNEW by Tom Mullane
I NEVER KNEW by Tom Mullane # THEY NEVER SAID ANYTHING She sat in my car, a blanket over her shoulders and tears in her eyes. She was weak, and growing weaker as we raced to the hospital. “I hope…...
Bonus Mom by Beth Stillman Blaha
Outside – Part 5 by Peggy Rockey
Outside – Part 5 by Peggy Rockey # Malek sat at the table with Joram and Aram. The chair was cold and uncomfortable, not made from living wood, but of a shiny, unfamiliar material. His five warriors were spread around…...
Nearly Speechless by Susan C Evans
Nearly Speechless by Susan C Evans # They walked out of the room [court house] numb and silent. They never said anything further from that day on. At least not audibly. He walked briskly ahead tapping his top lip with…...
Hope by CE Botha
Hope by CE Botha # As usual, the guards never uttered a single word. Romilly eventually discovered that their tongues were cut out to force them into secrecy. The discovery did not surprise her, but it did nothing for the…...