Category 2021 SS Prompt 5: They never said anything
SS Prompt 5: They never said anything
Word count: 1200 words exactly
Deadline: 19 May 2021
Please do not post before the deadline.
When Opportunity Knocks by SM Prasad
The question of guilt by Emily Orna
“8 a.m. Josh’s alarm clock went off. He had personalized alarm tones for every day, and for Tuesdays like today it was his philosophy professor’s voice exclaiming: “My guiding principle is this: Guilt is never to be doubted. ― Franz…...
It Wasn’t For Me by NetaQ
“I’m bisexual,” she said again. The words this time, almost a shout as if she didn’t realize I’d heard. The wind died down to a sudden stillness. The early morning silence held hostage to time. “You’re gay,” I said, my…...
They never said a word by Juanita
Red Chit by Janet Nichols
Whatever it takes by Aisha
Times’ Prisoner by Casey S.
It was dark. It was cold. The constant dripping of water into a bucket down the hall the only sound. Ezlyn closed her eyes against the damp chill that seemed to seep into her bones. She had lost track of…...
Spilling the Kidney Beans by Riana N
A Harmless Eegit by Jessica
“What do you mean they never said anything?” Judge Fowler peered over his glasses at the man who stood before him. He was used to seeing Hughie Hobbs in court. He even liked to see him coming on dull court…...