Category 2021 SS Prompt 5: They never said anything
SS Prompt 5: They never said anything
Word count: 1200 words exactly
Deadline: 19 May 2021
Please do not post before the deadline.
Left behind by Ben Hunt
Body Part Thieves by Seth
Body Part Thieves by Seth # They had just buried his father. Mikasa decided that he was a grownup and had to stop thinking like a kid now that he was an orphan. To hell with books. To hell with…...
Darkside, To Antangela by OtterSilver
The Burial Cave – Wailana
The Burial Cave by Wailana # You ask me what I lived on. What kind of food I ate in the three days I was in the cave. A granola bar, my sister’s because I had already eaten mine on…...
Sold! By Charles R. Bucklin
There is no “I” in TEAM by Catherine Harris
They Never Said Anything by Marilyn Weisman
ONE DAY by Millie Aleph
ONE DAY by Millie Aleph # It hurts Jerry, it really does. I knew it will , I know it should. But, I wanted to break it so bad ,I thought I’ll be happy, at least relieved. May be, I…...
The Death of a Pirate by Cobus Kruger
“Silence” by Lauren Benere-Forder
The Unspoken by Adam
The Unspoken by Adam # The car doors slam like a one-two punch. Alan lets out a sigh that sounds like truck brakes. “Well that was a lovely night,” Denise says so brightly her teeth show in the darkness. She…...