Category 2021 SS Prompt 5: They never said anything
SS Prompt 5: They never said anything
Word count: 1200 words exactly
Deadline: 19 May 2021
Please do not post before the deadline.
A Good Catch for Any Woman by June Hunter
A Good Catch for Any Woman by June Hunter # Joe stood in front of the full-length mirror, straightened his jacket and adjusted his collar. He had never been a sloppy dresser, even when all he did all day was…...
Kuntin and Gunja by Nam Raj Khatri
Kuntin and Gunja by Nam Raj Khatri # Kuntin was thinking to do some job after completing his bachelor’s degree. He was raised by a single mother. He was aware of the hard work done by his mother for sustaining…...
They Never Said Anything by Seyi
Polygamous Paul by Preston Nimmons
Vantage Point by Limor Kay
After Effects by Pam Muller
The Green Dragon by Michael James
Getaway by Susan O’Neal
Murder Mystery by Deryn Graham
Murder Mystery by Deryn Graham Photo Credit: Brody Butler on Unsplash # Their car crunched up to the gatehouse, coming to a halt. It was pitch dark outside, save for their headlights, a heavy cloud cover obscuring any light from…...