Category 2021 Poetry Prompt 6: Found
Poetry Prompt 6: Found
Deadline: 23 June April 2021
Please do not post before the deadline.
Can You See Me? by Chloe Edwards
Lost and found, Seen yet unseen, Invisible but available, Lost between the lines, If only you had the vision to see me. I’m not in you clique, Or yours. Does no one see me? People rushing down busy halls, Bumping…...
Rome by Tom Mullane
ROME Shuffling through the backstreets taunted by the thought of being late. I must not be late. Italians are so laid back. They stroll at a ridiculous pace, shuffling along nonchalantly I furtively make my way through But I must…...
A surprising finding by Sharon J Clark
I found an earwig in a chrysanthemum And a snail beneath a planted pot I found two woodlice chatting by a log And black ants breeding under the backdoor mat I found white-bottomed bees living in the wall And glistening…...
Confidence – A Quiet Place on My Radar by Susanne Bennett
The Lucky Stone by Glen Benison
She walks the isolated beach …...
Playing Faces by Limor Kay
What I Found by Maria Delaney
found my guilty conscience resting on the water’s edge Conscience inquired my reasons for being tardy told my shame, “I’m not yet available for change” “I won’t wait forever to forgive,” It responded. ~*~ found my battered soul upon a…...
If Tomorrow Comes by Amana
Comfort there is none by Francis Gerd
Went looking for promise went looking for gold took umbrage at truth-tell the day he was told and could not acknowledge what everyone knew that water is wet, sir as wet as the dew. Spent years in the mountains…...