Category 2021 Poetry Prompt 5: Acrostic

Poetry Prompt 5: Acrostic

Deadline: 26 May April 2021

Please do not post before the deadline.

Grateful by Jodie

Groaning from the moment the alarm rings Rushing around, busy busy busy Around the house ticking things off the list Tea, hot hot hot, wake me up! Early morning hugs with the littlies Fills the heart with happiness to the…...

This content is for 12 Poems in 12 Months members only.
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Read MoreGrateful by Jodie

Ignorance by C Alexis

Interdicting the insights of scientific scholarship Glib towards vaccines, global climate change Nonbelievers about all women’s; right to choose Opinions bursting with bigotry and hypocrisy Rejecting truth racism woven through society’s tapestry  Actively shoring up status quo of inequality Nerts…...

This content is for 12 Poems in 12 Months members only.
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Read MoreIgnorance by C Alexis