Category 52 S | Prompt 23 | Week 23: Run
Prompt 23 | Week 23: Run
Deadline: 9 June 2021
Word count: 1200 – 1500 words
Please do not post before the deadline.
The Incredible Mrs Callahan | Monica F Mapa
The drive from La Recoleta to Isabel Ybañez’s building was silent; and without realizing it, Lucy hadn’t bothered to ask if Esmeralda might trade places again. Something inside her cautioned against it and she slid into the backseat while Agosto…...
Running away with Kate by Linda Sansalone
Full of Surprises 23/52 – Casey S.
The room shared a collective gasp, except for the old man who looked at Tobias with a grim smile. “This is what I feared it to be,” he said and turned to leave the room. Anger quickly replaced Talia’s surprise…...
023 Henry at the beach. Murphy’s Movie Night, by Carolyn Bell
Tessa lay on the cold ground, sobbing in loud, ugly gulps. Finally, she was still, although her arms stayed wrapped around the cross, feeling the metal and its rough edges. She shivered and her feet, bare inside the rubber boots,…...
Northern Pole, 23/52, Julie Fearn-Howerska
Run by Nonie McElroy
‘So, what did Tall Tom think of Devalera taking the seat in East Clare?’* Brigid brushes a curious fly out of her sight line and picks up her hat to fan her face. Even under the chestnut tree, the afternoon…...
Nana’s House by Georgiana Nelsen (23, run)
The Minotaur 23: Run by Jens Grabarske
We stayed the night at the Crying Rock and slept on the soft sand. In the morning we made our way back into the town of Fontainebleau to do some shopping. I had filled my pocket with pebbles and often…...
The Light is Low by Peggy Rockey – Scene 23 – Benji
Benji waited for the gray Lexus Sport to get almost to the end of the block before pulling out into the street to follow it. “Oh my god, Benji!” Magera said with a forced, incredulous laugh, “that was the creep…...