Category 52 S | Prompt 49 | Week 49: Complication
Prompt 49 | Week 49: Complication
Deadline: 8 December 2021
Word count: 1200 – 1500 words
Please do not post before the deadline.
‘6’ by N. Sutherland
Faery Tale: Chapter Twenty-One by Jessica Thompson
“What do you mean there’s been a complication?” Fuamnach bristled and her eyes flashed as the messenger cowered in fear, backing towards the exit as he lowered his gaze to the floor. To be a spy of Fuamnach was to…...
Scene 49 by Eva-Maria
Time to leave. Her backpack was packed. Evie checked the side pockets for the magic carpet. Yes, there it was. She had not used it since she had returned from Innsbruck, but she liked to take it with her everywhere…...
The Aftermath (Scene 49, Complication) by R.L. Nel
49. Under the sea by Mia Botha
Nell yanked the horrid mouthpiece out and gasped. She pulled herself up on the stone ledge. Morgan lay on his back beside her panting. “That was…odd.” Morgan stared at the little round contraption that allowed them to breathe underwater. “Not…...
#49 – The Warrior Girl by Christa L
The murder of crows’ cackling woke Faya up at the break of dawn. Bad omen. Stop it, Faya cursed at herself, right mindset remember? She looked around and found herself in bed. She must have somehow stumbled back inside her…...
Kaffeeklatsch by Melanie Wittwer
March 1921 Part 2 by Nonie McElroy
Brigid and Nuala stand under the stoop outside the house on Erne Street. Brigid’s bones still ache from this morning, the cold not quite expelled yet. She stamps her feet to keep the circulation going. ‘Would ya stop, Geraldine will…...
Shadow and Fury – Casey S (49/52)
Area 54 (Complication) by Sean Johnson
Complication (TDM) by Marijo Thompson
He realized as soon as he’d hung up the phone that he hadn’t bought a new picture frame. THe one he’d cracked was still there in his dresser. And there was no way he was going to have time to…...