Category 52 S | Prompt 31 | Week 31: Manipulated
Prompt 31 | Week 31: Manipulated
Deadline: 4 August 2021
Word count: 1200 – 1500 words
Please do not post before the deadline.
31-Final Message by Becky Crookham
Once in her apartment, Maisie let her mind wander to another memory from before her or her sisters had reached puberty. The image of the obedient Catholic family kneeling for their Lenten prayers in their living room. It was Maisie’s…...
31. The first of the old ones by Mia Botha
Scene 16: Questions by Joyce Finny
“Browne, in my office. Now.” Lily nods. Scrambles to pick her notepad and pen. Rohini pulls her chair closer to Lily, “What is he calling you for?” Lily shrugs and pushes back her chair, and rushes up to her boss’…...
B Side by Alma Bouchot
After pondering for a second, he said, “Fine, but if I’m asked, I’ll tell.” “Great! That’s all I ask!” “Baker,” he called as I turned to leave. “Uh?” “Go home and sleep it off, you’re getting too shrewd.” With a…...
#31- The Warrior Girl by Christa L
NOTE – A little short of words this week… ran out of time and wanted to stop at a spot that ended the scene. I am sure I can add more words to “show” in 2nd draft. “Seven Wolf is…...
Area 54 (Manipulated) by Sean Johnson
Death Man by Marijo Thompson
Trying to figure out some more of Barry’s backstory here. Still not sure how to interweave this in the novel if I use it… *************************************************************************************** Cheryl biked back to the funeral home. They could have both stayed, used a handkerchief…...
Marcum and Bobbie Ann Go to Mamaw’s House by Maria Johnson
The Aftermath (Scene 31, Manipulated) by R.L. Nel
Scene 31 by Eva-Maria
„I should have known Sibyl wouldn‘t tell me anything, the devious old cumberworld!” Iraida was furiously polishing an already spotless, shining silver teapot. She had been at it for the past half hour while a concerned Kutkhu was watching her…...
Scene 31 by Adam Jeffrey
The kerosene lamp hissed its unwavering breath from the centre of the kitchen table. The half-light it released made grey shadows behind the backs of Lucy and her father as they sat at opposite ends. They hadn’t spoken since the…...