Category 52 S | Prompt 28 | Week 28: Respect
Prompt 28 | Week 28: Respect
Deadline: 14 July 2021
Word count: 1200 – 1500 words
Please do not post before the deadline.
The Death Man by Marijo Thompson
“Barry, what was all that about?” They were just inside the chapel by the lectern. Barry was leaning against its cool wood, trying to slow his breathing. The guest book glared up at him. He’d forgotten to turn to a…...
The Aftermath (Scene 28, Respect) by R.L. Nel
28. A Chill Sets In by SM Prasad
Respect by Gretchen Robinson
Scene 28 of Grandpa Grael by Riana N
Faery Tale a Chapter Ten (cont) by Jessica Thompson
The seasons had changed and Samhain was once more upon them. Fuamnach had not sought out her husband in the year that had passed. She knew he would return and she did not want to interrupt the precious time he…...
Scene 28 by Adam Jeffrey
When Nicholson walked back out into the street, the sun was high and the heat took him a little by surprise. The air had that first-taste-of-summer feel to it – a dryness that sparked thoughts of ice-cold beer and a…...
The Gargoyle Princess by SJ Cramer: Scene 28
Every morning, since the day Sadie brought Afra into her home, Afra would walk up the path, just before dawn, and meet up with Sadie. They would walk between the sweet-smelling climbing jasmine, taking the path that led them to…...