Category 52 S | Prompt 28 | Week 28: Respect
Prompt 28 | Week 28: Respect
Deadline: 14 July 2021
Word count: 1200 – 1500 words
Please do not post before the deadline.
‘6’ by N. Sutherland
Respect by Nonie McElroy
‘Your Mam would be really proud of how you’ve looked after them Brigid.’ Brigid smiles at her sister-in-law and wonders. Look at Orlaith manning the door, counting up the subs collected. Just turned sixteen and standing up so well to…...
28. The Summoners – The Order by Mia Botha
Scene 13: Different Threads by Joyce Finny
“So what’s a truth seeker and why were you trying to control me?” Anya folds her arms and looks at Nate. Dan elbows Nate, “Is she always like this? So stuck up?” Nate shrugs while Anya’s jaw drops. Harleen rolls…...
B Side, by Alma Bouchot
Putting down the receiver he looked sharply at me and said, “You can leave.” Tom then turned to his agenda, as if I ceased to exist. Feeling my bottom lip trembling, I bent to pick up the pages of…...
#28 – The Warrior Girl by Christa L
“Faya!” Holt rushed over to her side and caught her as she fell. “Everyone stop!” Seven Wolf yelled; but nobody listened. He somersaulted to the top of the big rock nearby, and howled. His howl rumbled like a fierce…...
Scene 28 by Eva-Maria
Stepping on the carpet, they had closed their eyes. When they opened them again, they were standing on the shore of Loch Ness, still locked in a tight embrace and a little unsteady on their feet. The carpet, once again…...