Category 52 S | Prompt 24 | Week 24: Irked
Prompt 24 | Week 24: Irked
Deadline: 16 June 2021
Word count: 1200 – 1500 words
Please do not post before the deadline.
The Queen’s Executioner 24 by Elaine Dodge
No good plan Part 1 by Michael James
Hope’s Raft – Scene 24 by Rachel Palmer
JB burst into Bess’ office without knocking. “If you don’t do something about that…that boy, I’ll show him exactly who he’s dealing with and make him bow down to me.” If he wasn’t still seeing red and imaging that little…...
Scene 24 by David Weimer
Yehudah returned to Kafr Kanna. In the street, he met an old man who was sitting on a stool outside his door. “Shalom aleichem,” the old man said. “Aleichem shalom,” Yehudah responded. “I am Yehudah, from Kerioth. I am a…...
Shadow and Fury – Casey S.
Scene 9: How the Empaths Came to Be by Joyce Finny
024 Tessa goes home, Murphy’s Movie Night by Carolyn Bell
This week was a struggle for me. I missed the Sunday writing session and waited until the last day to get started. Despite lots of ideas for where I wanted to go next, I couldn’t get it to work on…...
The Confession by Sharon Hancock
#23 IRKED The Confession by Sharon Hancock Everything seemed to be going wrong after Lily discovered the glowing sphere inside the marble jar. Shelly could see Lily’s eyes light up as…...
Scene 24: Irked by Aisling Doonan
The Minotaur 23: Irked by Jens Grabarske
Fontainebleau had been a nice distraction from our quest to find the minotaur. It certainly recharged my batteries and Alphonse seemed more relaxed as well. But now it was high time that we found him. “All this time I have…...