Category 52 S | Prompt 22 | Week 22: Sister
Prompt 22 | Week 22: Sister
Deadline: 2 June 2021
Word count: 1200 – 1500 words
Please do not post before the deadline.
Scene 22 by Eva-Maria
Nothing happened. Then Evie blinked. When she opened her eyes again, she was standing on a platform at a train station. She looked around. Everything was blurry. She touched her face, in a panic that she had forgotten to put…...
Lighthouse Island: Scene 19, Sisters by Kathy Sanford
The Aftermath (Scene 22, Sister) by R.L. Nel
Faery Tale a Chapter Eight by Jessica Thompson
Note: In response to some comments on the Irish pronunciation of names, see handy guide below: Etáin – Ee-dawn Cadhla – Kay-lah Fiadh – Fee-yah Eochaí – Uckee Etáin smiled as she watched Cadhla and Fiadh dance around the fire,…...
Scene 22 by Adam Jeffrey
Lucy walked down the guesthouse hallway. The air felt thick with hints of last night’s gravy and old slippers creeping under numbered doors. A toilet flushed and the sound of a man’s thick cough penetrated the wall. A floral carpet…...
Sham City (22/52) by Lionel Mullally
Aisling sat at the canteen table waiting for Ken to return with the tray of goods. She had offered to help but he insisted. Garda Headquarters was always an odd place. There were people here, special people and she pictured…...
Sisters by Nonie McElroy
Brigid rubs her palms across the front of her skirt as she waits for the hall to quieten. Benches scratch the floor as people seat themselves. Some of the pamphlets Eileen has placed on the seats float to the…...
Scene 22 by David Weimer
Yehudah found the house used by Yehoshua empty, unusual for so near the noon meal. If they do not take the noon meal here, he wondered, where would they be? Behind him, a woman scrubbed the entry step into her…...
Sc22 Canal Girl Sister by Martin Haworth
The Gargoyle Princes by SJ Cramer Scene 22
Sadie led Afra down a canopy-covered path where vines of jasmine climbed up and over the trellis and filled the air with its intoxicating aroma. Afra’s eyes welled up with tears as she breathed in the slightly heady fragrance. Shadows…...