Category 52 S | Prompt 19 | Week 19: Cell
Prompt 19 | Week 19: Cell
Deadline: 12 May 2021
Word count: 1200 – 1500 words
Please do not post before the deadline.
Scene 19 by David Weimer
Scene 19 by David Weimer # “The Holy Scriptures foretell,” said the bishop, “that there will be unmistakable signs of the Coming of Christ. Now there were among the Hebrews three outstanding offices of dignity, which made the nation famous,…...
019 – 1957, continued by Carolyn
019 – 1957, continued by Carolyn # The airport was located ten miles north of the quiet beach town, even more quiet this time of year when only the full time residents were there. The fields surrounding the airport were…...
Anthony hires Lightning by Yogani Singh
Anthony hires Lightning by Yogani Singh # Anthony walked back to the desk to stand behind his chair. He looked at Lightning. “What would you do to get rid of your curse?” Lightning walked away from the sculptures towards the…...
The Light is Low by Peggy Rockey – Scene 19 – Roy and Magera
The Light is Low by Peggy Rockey – Scene 19 – Roy and Magera Scene 19.1 – Roy # Roy was pleased to see Clyde in his usual desk, and not the sour faced, rude man who had been there…...
Proficient by Michael James
Northern Pole, 19/52, Cell by Julie Fearn-Howerska
Pan Meets Shelly’s Family by Sharon Hancock
Pan meets Shelly’s Family by Sharon Hancock # It was wonderful going on adventures and seeing the world through different eyes, but in the back of Shelly’s mind was her family and how they couldn’t be part of her new…...
Scene 19: Cell by Aisling Doonan
Scene 4: Welcome Home by Joyce Finny
Scene 4: Welcome Home by Joyce Finny # I take a step back. And wince. A jolt runs through my spine. But I am not hurt. She is. I hope she’s okay. Wait. I can sense if she is! I…...