Category SS Prompt 2: For Hire

SS Prompt 2: For Hire
Word Count: 1000 words exactly
Deadline: 26 February 2020

Please do not post before the deadline.

The Signs by Laurie

Daphne was digging around in the storage room, largely because she had nothing better to do.  Henry and Mr. Thompson had left for some meeting that she wasn’t invited to, and she’d completed the short list of tasks she’d been…...

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Read MoreThe Signs by Laurie

Porch Pirate by Jennifer

A buzz like an angry wasp made me freeze before my fingers closed. Mounted at eye level was a tiny camera, its blinking red light like a fiendish eye peering at me. The camera pivoted on its metallic arm then tilted upward to get a better look at my face. It buzzed again and the focus wheel spun. “Fuck.”
Read MorePorch Pirate by Jennifer