Category SS Prompt 5: Stale
SS Prompt 5: Stale
Word Count: 1200 words exactly
Deadline: 20 May 2020
Please do not post before the deadline.
Be careful with what you say – Part II by Aurum
The Auction by David Jones
Outside the Gates by nsbnina
Hunkered down by the rusted green dumpster, Shoshona barely noticed the bread was stale, she was gobbling it so quick. Like a toddler, jamming big chunks into her mouth with both hands. Too soon she finished the last bite, and…...
Thelma and Julia Learn to Dance by Sandy Menarek
It was three in the afternoon, and as they did every day at this time, the two ladies were relaxing on the porch swing. A plate of cookies and two glasses of lemonade sat on the small table next to…...
The Price of Folly by Kim
. It was an ugly, squat building. A mole on the face of the city street. He frowned, trying to recall the word from his memory banks. After some mental dredging, he eventually plucked the elusive word from his cerebral…...
Lady by Megan Furniss
I had been sitting in the same position, looking at the same things, more or less, for over seventeen years, and as I picked up the phone and said, “City Animal Hospital, Leanne speaking”, I knew that the familiarity was…...
Stale by Paul J P Slater
It was a Saturday in late February when I entered the kitchen and collapsed into a chair, my head plunging into my open hands. The forty-degree heat outside was no more help than the high thirties shade temperature. My head…...
Close Shave by Rebecca Suchi-Otieno
“Phew! That was a close call,” he thought to himself now that he had cooled down and his heart had stopped pounding. “I thought I was a goner for sure. I still don’t know how I outran the thugs. Those…...