Category SS Prompt 5: Stale
SS Prompt 5: Stale
Word Count: 1200 words exactly
Deadline: 20 May 2020
Please do not post before the deadline.
Lily by Matt Bates
Escape of a Science Experiment by Renee Shurilla
God I’m Tired by Madeline
20/5 STALE by Elaine Dodge
Out of Time by Nicole Jane
Magnolia Memories by Anne Chowdhury
Raindrops pitter-pattered as they hit the tin roof. Fourteen year old Ashley Davis gazed out of the window, staring unseeingly at the light drizzle. Until … Plunk … plunk … “Ash!” The urgent whisper of her name made her heart…...
“stalemate”, by © Maruschka Scott
Stale World by Will
It seemed to be just another night at the Wellington mansion, where elite people talked about world affairs over dinner. It was Ophelia’s job just to serve wine to the guests who didn’t even realize they were starting to get…...
Mistakes (Succour Part 5) by Timaeus Wayland
The dining room was silent save for the scraping of knives and forks on the plates. My father kept glancing my way, worried I would unravel again. My mother tried to hide her sniffling. All I wanted to do was…...