Category SS Prompt 5: Stale
SS Prompt 5: Stale
Word Count: 1200 words exactly
Deadline: 20 May 2020
Please do not post before the deadline.
Raspblurry by Prakhar G
Last Memory by dannie butler
A woman’s purse is full of mysteries. I know what is in there. We all do. Sometimes we have basics like keys, wallets, nail clippers, chapstick, female hygiene products, gum, writing utensils. Some of us even have emergency…...
Stinky Bags by Sparky_sparkles
5. The Book of Breath by Mia Botha
Livestop Motel by CReese
11:00 am Livestop Motel & Truck Stop Main Lobby “Good afternoon, sir. We would like a room.” The manager sighed and put his book down. He had been reading the same page for a good hour, but room 113 had…...
Love Gone Stale by Sarah Muzaffar
“Pack up, we are leaving tonight”, she threw a duffle bag on his bed. “Mom”, he protested. “Take enough clothes for a month and your books as well.” “But Mom….” “This is the last time.” “You say that everytime,” he…...
Stalled by Eva-Maria
‘This is not working,’ she thought. She had no idea for the longer piece and no time for the shorter. The deadline for both was 9 a.m. It was a quarter to four in the morning. What to do? In…...
The Gate by Deb Snyder
The Devil is in the Details by Matt Williams
THE DEVIL IS IN THE DETAILS “No, no, no, no…” “But yes! A hundred times yes! She’s easily the best character in the series.” “Why? Because her character evolved so much? Horseshit. She didn’t evolve.” “First of all, great word…...
The Book of Dyzod – Part 17 (Stale) by Joseph Carney
Unwoke by Jodie Waller
Extreme glare, a stinging sensation, and heaviness I’ve never felt before. My eyes felt as if they had been glued together. Finally opening them, I was immediately aware of an intense heat shining upon me. My body felt heavy, sticky…...