Category SS Prompt 5: Stale

SS Prompt 5: Stale
Word Count: 1200 words exactly
Deadline: 20 May 2020

Please do not post before the deadline.

STALEmate by Sue

The Society for Transformation of Lakes and Ecology had an unfortunate acronym. ‘STALE’ was certainly not what the Chairperson and the committee had in mind. It had the humorous propensity to conjure up images of Didymosphenia geminate, known to those…...

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Compromised Dinner by Marilyn Weisman

Scene: Sunday Dinner at the Anderson family home in Iowa. Present are sisters, brothers and mother as well as Sara Burns, who is dating Franklin, one of the brothers.                                       *     *     *     *     * Mother looks brightly at the…...

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Read MoreCompromised Dinner by Marilyn Weisman