Category SS Prompt 5: Stale
SS Prompt 5: Stale
Word Count: 1200 words exactly
Deadline: 20 May 2020
Please do not post before the deadline.
Don’t Look Now by Maria Delaney
After hours of hiking through Evergreen Forest, my last obstacle is this rusty pipe bridged across Beer Can River. Beneath, the water flows rapid and strong. The sight is scary, causing my grip to tighten on the basket’s handle. I…...
For Sale by Chantel Barton
This is it? This is my last shot at a commission this month? Harvey swung his car door shut and pulled off his sunglasses, folding them and inserting them into his jacket pocket. He squinted, half his face scrunched upwards…...
Journey to the sea by Snyman Rijkloff
Singularity by Michael James
Captain’s Worry by OtterSilver
Swing by Robelle CT
She was rushing to unpack. Only three hours had passed since she arrived at the city where she grew up, daydreamed, and fell in love. Her heart pounded loudly against her chest as she checked herself in the mirror. She…...