Category SS Prompt 9: Jealous of…
SS Prompt 9: Jealous of…
Word Count: 1250 words exactly
Deadline: 9 September 2020
Please do not post before the deadline.
Providence and Serendipity by Taryn Uhlmann
Jealous Of by John Deighan
Green Eyed Monster *But my eyes are blue* by Lenore Butcher
It’s a Guy’s World by Jennifer Armor
The Artificiality of Control by NetaQ
What’s on your mind Norma Jean? by Nonie McElroy
What’s on your mind Norma Jean? by Nonie McElroy # Norma sits looking at the home screen. She likes the new interface. Her profile picture, platinum blonde and siren lips pouting, asking her to create a story. Hadn’t she already…...
The Broken Promise by Sarah Muzaffar
The Broken Promise by Sarah Muzaffar # “I am sorry what? Jealous? Me!? You gotta be kidding me! Why would I be jealous of her? I am everything but jealous when I think about her.” “Are you sure,” he asked,…...
Green Eyed Monster by Lionel Mullally
Green Eyed Monster by Lionel Mullally # Oh! My! Gaaawwddd !!!! They went ahead with it. They are giving her a party. A sixteenth party for, well, HER. Not like I care. Really I don’t. It’s just, well, her !…...