Category SS Prompt 9: Jealous of…
SS Prompt 9: Jealous of…
Word Count: 1250 words exactly
Deadline: 9 September 2020
Please do not post before the deadline.
The Office Party by Nicole Jane
What Dreams May Come by Michael Corvo
The Road (B)Ends for Ruby and Diane by SM Prasad
Some Girls have all the Hair by Marcena Hooks
Some Girls have all the Hair by Marcena Hooks # As a little girl Carmena always dreamt of having long hair. She had fantasized about being best friends with the Disney princess Rapunzel. She could picture brushing and playing with…...
Interview With A Viper (Reprobate Continued) by Anne Chowdhury
Interview With A Viper (Reprobate Continued) by Anne Chowdhury # “How does it feel to be nominated for the Pioneer Woman in Science Award?” Elena laughs graciously, feeling quite pleased with the way the interview is going. Lucy has done…...
Sharing by M. Fink
Sidekick Friendship by Marijo Thompson
Sidekick Friendship by Marijo Thompson # It all started with a bicycle helmet. Annie needed one, and MIke’s sister had an extra one. He could drop it off at Annie’s parents’ house, where I was living, but Annie was going…...
Regenerating Ole Bones, by © Maruschka Scott
Fathers time by Trace
Fathers time by Trace # Wednesday was my favorite day of the week when I was 8. This was the day I went to my best friend’s house to play. Beth’s mother was my mom’s best friend so we always…...