Category SS Prompt 6: It didn’t work
SS Prompt 6: It didn’t work
Word Count: 1800 words exactly
Deadline: 17 June 2020
Please do not post before the deadline.
The Book of Dyzod – Part 18 (It Didn’t Work) by Joseph Carney
20/6 Pirate Monopoly by Elaine Dodge
It worked until it didn’t by Catherine Garden
Detective Inspector Kimberly Reese-Jones glided into the driveway of 43 Olive Crescent. Slowing her vehicle to a standstill in the midst of police cars, official uniforms and yellow tape she stepped out into a light drizzle, remnants of an earlier…...
Asking the Wizard By Anjum Wasim Dar
Once upon a time, as all stories begin, long long ago, when folks were not so wise as they are now a days, there lived a little girl called Alice. She lived in a wonderland of her own where nothing…...
For the Love of Hemlock by Angelique Pacheco
Can It Be Salvaged? by ChristineH
‘I am pleased to greet your acquaintance.’ The greeter’s stilted voice seemed out of place, coming from the pale pink fleshy lips. ‘That’ll do,’ said Gerry. ‘It’s close enough.’ Pam frowned and shook her head. She stepped back, out of…...
Owl scream by Tallemaja
Did you come to ask for advice before the totem ceremony? Well, sit down closer, boy. Move to the blind old fox Tokela. Although I would like to be called Kotori, the spirit of the owl’s scream, but it wasn’t…...
Treacherous Web (Reprobate Continued) by Anne Chowdhury
Unexpected results, failed plan? by Will
The Herbalist by Eva-Maria
The family were getting ready for the midday meal – Margaret, a peasant’s wife, was breastfeeding her youngest child while admonishing the other children to settle down on the benches around the large trestle table, her pride and joy. Agnes,…...