Category SS Prompt 6: It didn’t work
SS Prompt 6: It didn’t work
Word Count: 1800 words exactly
Deadline: 17 June 2020
Please do not post before the deadline.
Purple Purgatory by Maria Delaney
The Cure for Unrequited Love by Beth Stillman Blaha
A life by pfgpowell
The small village of Biddenton is tucked away in rural Sussex in the county’s High Weald. It’s not hard to find, lying just several miles east of the B2026. But you’re unlikely to visit unless you’ve a reason to do…...
A Favorable Wind by Cheryl Rush Cowperthwait
The sweet smell of Irises hitched a ride on the breeze, swirling like an eddy, tumbling to get over the tall concrete wall. Once lifted, the breeze slowed and fell around the silver halo of hair which perched atop the…...
Against All Odds by Estelle Westley
Lilly looked down at Jake’s still handsome face. He lay on his back, knees pulled up, eyes closed, and just a hint of a smile touching the corners his mouth. They had opened a bottle of Chardonnay to enjoy with…...
It’s the President! by Karin Panaino Petersen
Daler by CE Botha
Shrieks of pure terror rang up from tiny children’s throats as twenty-four camels lurched forward. Sweat pearls clung to Daler’s brow as desperately as he was hugging his camel’s harness. His child’s mind bravely tried to ignore his small body’s…...
Fail Better by Carolyn Dekat
Broken by Marilyn Weisman
“Here it comes again…that weightless feeling of being right on the edge of a cliff, ready to fall.” Curled up on a chair in the corner of her room, picking at her cuticles, Neesee’s nail beds are bitten down. Raw. …...
Careering Down the Ladder by June Hunter
Finbarr is a small man with short legs, but his strides are long and fast as he crosses the bridge on his way to work. He removes his clock-card from its nest, waits for the click from the machine, and…...