Category SS Prompt 4: Agenda
SS Prompt 4: Agenda
Word Count: 750 Words exactly
Deadline: 22 April 2020
Please do not post before the deadline.
Dire Straits by Bhavna K. Mehta
The Last Meeting by Sarah Muzaffar
“I start tapping the floor. It is our last meeting. The last time we would sit together as husband and wife.” “He wants the kids every weekend. How will he manage it amidst his business travels, is beyond me. I…...
Adaptive Learning by Kathryn Garden
Day 1: 27 March The watching and waiting are over. I’m in it now. If you were still alive, you would have laughed at my reticence, but then again if you were still alive, you would know that my connection…...
The Set Up by Nicole Jane
The Intern by Nonie McElroy
She types the sixth item on the list, AOB. Would there is any other business today? The numbness that accompanies her nausea, tingles through her mouth to the back of her throat. Gravity pulls at her stomach. She takes a…...
Whose Agenda Is It Anyway? (Tim Alden, Story 4) by Kathy Sanford
Pace It Easy, by © Maruschka Scott
Set Your Own Agenda by Marcena Hooks
There was no training for this position. Each day was different so the term “learn as you go” rang true. Grace had been there about three months before they had a staff meeting. The…...
Go Get It by The Puppet Master by Daffney Carpenter
Super Haunted by Simone le Roux
“You know your house is like, super haunted, right?” Amy asked as I poured her a glass of wine. “What makes you say that?” I said in a falsely bright tone. I refilled my own glass and set the bottle…...