Category SS Prompt 4: Agenda
SS Prompt 4: Agenda
Word Count: 750 Words exactly
Deadline: 22 April 2020
Please do not post before the deadline.
Daisy by Annalie Klein
Keep calm and everything should, just should be okay by Claire Burgess
The meeting in what is usually held in the busy training room at Rise and Shine day centre was instead in Amelia’s back garden. She would be having meetings upon meetings via zoom to deal with this crisis that was…...
Agenda by JM Barrie
Decluttering by Susan O’Neal
Agenda B by Zane Baisley
Harry stared at the stark white walls. The bed under his butt, standard military issue, just comfortable enough to sleep on. A plain white cupboard and a simple desk and chair completed the room’s furnishings. Not much-made sense at the…...
April Fool by Mustang Patty
Burnt Offering – Extended Version by Jane Bradshaw
I was trying to ignore this blood lust that engulfed my being. But it was impossible, I could think of nothing else. ** I had been out jogging the night before, in the bush, behind my home. I loved the…...