Category SS Prompt 4: Agenda
SS Prompt 4: Agenda
Word Count: 750 Words exactly
Deadline: 22 April 2020
Please do not post before the deadline.
Coffee Art by Sharmayne Riseley
“What do you mean, stood down?” Elise glared at her pasty-faced Team Leader, his piggy eyes darting around the office like flies scared to land. This was going to be bad. “Well, this virus, you know,” he trailed off. “I…...
My Own Agenda by Sophia Meyers-Green
4. Greener Grass by Becky Crookham
On top of the red-and-white checkered blanket sat a lovely wicker basket. Five smiles, open with laughter, shone above five outfits of various shades of blue and denim. Below the blanket, below the blades of grass, was a thumbs up…...
The Happiness Agenda by Jens Grabarske
Kelly bought me one of these self-help books for my birthday. It looked like any self-help book. Some smiling guy on the cover who looks way too fit and way too happy for a man of his age. And in…...
Insidious Intent by Amrita Sarkar
Planning the Apocalypse by Angelique Pacheco
In a conference room in a high rise building nearby you can hear the soft murmurings of people waiting for a meeting to start. “Hades, did you get the horses squared away?” “Make sure you give mine water. You know…...
The Cormorant & the Penguins by Zoltan Kosina
Halac, the Cape cormorant, was flying over Algoa Bay like every morning. He looked at her sister on his right. Marin was watching the water, searching for fish. On Halac’s left, his friends, Rax and Pensi, were discussing yesterday’s catch.…...