Category SS Prompt 11: Area 52
SS Prompt 11: Area 52
Word Count: 500 words exactly
Deadline: 4 November 2020
Please do not post before the deadline.
In a Strange Land by Tom Mullane
In a Strange Land by Tom Mullane # “Just go ahead and buy it.” A voice came from behind me. Looking around I saw a face I had not seen in such a long time. A memory from a long…...
Decoding Area 52 by Anusuya Kashi
“AR 84752” by Azul Aragon
Area 52 by Alice Elizabeth
Area 52 by Alice Elizabeth # She’d been running for days. She was starving, exhausted and her will to keep running was fading. She fell down and this time she couldn’t get up. She was awake. She tried to sit…...
Golden Goose by EsterS28
7.8 Billion Secrets by Matt Williams
7.8 Billion Secrets by Matt Williams # “We live in a world where we share everything, don’t we?” “What?” “You heard me.” “I heard you, I ‘m just not following.” “We share everything on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat. I’m sure…...
Area 52 by Semakula Emmanuel
Area 52 by Semakula Emmanuel # “Where to?” The uber driver asked as he fingered the little phone screen indicating the passenger’s destination. It’s a question that unnerved Emma, “read the damn app” she would scream in her head but…...
Area 52 by Jennifer Bozarth
Area 52 by Jennifer Bozarth # I’d just finished giving Fluffy’s immunizations when Jeanine burst into the exam room. Startled, Fluffy jumps off of the table and immediately pees on the floor. “Yes, Jeanine?” I ask, trying not to show…...
The Trap by Athina Antoniou
Area 52 by Linda Sansalone
Area 52 by Linda Sansalone # I shovel dirt into a pile, making a hole deep enough to put the body parts in. Sweat poured into my eyes and I wiped them with the back of my shaking hand. My…...
New Recruit by Che
New Recruit by Che # “Did you see the new girl?” Anna asked as she sat down. The rest of her co-workers, five of them, looked at her, even with their hands still busy sifting through wires and metal of…...