Both Sides by Marianne Tulia
She didn’t have answers Yet, her mind quizzed her more… This content is for 12 Poems in 12 Months members only.Log In Register...
She didn’t have answers Yet, her mind quizzed her more… This content is for 12 Poems in 12 Months members only.Log In Register...
I can see the tiny little freckles around your nose if I look from so close… This content is for 12 Poems in 12 Months members only.Log In Register...
In blanched expanse Piorrette lays Abandoned by her tears… This content is for 12 Poems in 12 Months members only.Log In Register...
The journey meant to be and made eventually… This content is for 12 Poems in 12 Months members only.Log In Register...
The journey meant to be and made eventually… This content is for 12 Poems in 12 Months members only.Log In Register...
It’s Heaven and Hell If you believe in such places… This content is for 12 Poems in 12 Months members only.Log In Register...
There you are. Sitting silently among the chaos of my day,… This content is for 12 Poems in 12 Months members only.Log In Register...
We flew over the last spans of sanity Crossed all the bridges of time and place… This content is for 12 Poems in 12 Months members only.Log In Register...
To view both sides Of two-faced Janus,… This content is for 12 Poems in 12 Months members only.Log In Register...
As the room fades to black, white noise fills the air. Winds tune first, the cello moved her soul with its romantic eerie drag…. This content is for 12 Poems in 12 Months members only.Log In Register...
Bringing together, our hearts and minds,… This content is for 12 Poems in 12 Months members only.Log In Register...
Two sides of an argument Reaching a pitch ,… This content is for 12 Poems in 12 Months members only.Log In Register...