We’re Giving Him a Chance by Robyn McComb

Prompt: Conversation with my souse | Word Count: 1200 | Genre: realistic fiction
“Are you sure this is what you want to do?” he asked. He smoothed back his hair, a gesture he often performed when he was trying to calm his nerves. The deep grooves of worry and despair etched into his forehead seemed to bring out the gray in his blue eyes.
“Well, I still don’t know. You know that I don’t want this.” Glenda rubbed her belly. “You know that this isn’t what I wanted, Carl. I wanted us to be parents.”
“We still have a shot. This baby isn’t guaranteed to be – to be –“
“Retarded?” Glenda said sharply. “We don’t need to beat around the bush. You saw that ultrasound, too.”

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